“l’Ecorce des flous” tells the story of three individuals in their struggle with an incertain and confusing physical environment.
Three individuals who, through no fault of their own, find themselves caught up in turmoil: for them this is no walk in the park, rather unpredictable turbulence.
People on the face of it like you and me, people who consider the unchanging permanence of things to be a cardinal virtue, and are unwilling to follow any twisted or tortuous paths.
So, of course, when they are confronted by the sudden instability of the surroundings they have known since the beginning of time, their movements rapidly become shaky and unsteady. They lose their balance, they tumble and fall, and it is by turns tragic and grotesque, as they collide with each other, with the walls, with the ground. Sometimes they bounce back, other times not.
For them, this doesn’t always leave a trace, but for us, we cannot remain unaffected, and it can even happen that we burst out laughing.
“L’Ecorce des flous” is a production with three dancers/acrobats installed in an area defined by inflatable structures. It puts a tough, but jubilant, strain on the performers’ bodies, and seeks to invoke the fragile nature of a society in permanent evolution ; a society which seems unable to keep its promise of a shared eldorado.
Conception & choreography : Bruno Pradet
3 dancers : in progress
Scenography : Clément Dubois
Music creation : Yoann Sanson
Light creation : François Blondel
Costumes : Rozenn Lamand
Production : Association Vilcanota
Coproduction : in progress